Kappa Layered Tee *NEW Lettering Options*
Product Description

This is the essential greek tee! Double letters stitched onto a your tee. You choose all the colors AND choose Kappa Alpha Psi or Phi Nu Pi letters.
Add a line of custom embroidered lettering under your greek letters or upgrade for colder weather to a long-sleeve tee or sweatshirt!
Call for color availability for upgrades on sizes above 3X.
Sale Price only offered for Standard Greek font letters. If another font is chosen, price will be adjusted to $26.95 price when we process your order.
Shown top: Phi Nu Pi Letters: Charcoal grey tee; Capital Greek letters with lowercase Nu, crimson letters, white letter BACKGROUNDS
Shown bottom: K A Psi Letters: Red tee with red letters and white letter backgrounds. White Kappa tee has white letters and red letter backgrounds.
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